
German Lawyer Jens Ferner – Legal representation and advice in Germany in the areas of IT, labor and criminal law

Excellence in european IT law and german white-collar criminal law

Legal advice in german and european IT-, labour & german criminal law from german lawyers

European IT law and criminal law

German specialist lawyer for criminal law, labour law & IT law Jens Ferner

Our european IT- Criminal Defense Law Firm, based in Germany, has been in business for over 25 years and specializes in it-law and criminal defense! All of our criminal defense attorneys are criminal law specialists and focus on tough, serious criminal defense. Areas of emphasis in criminal law include white collar criminal law, criminal tax law, cybercrime and corporate crisis.

In addition, we provide your specialised Attorney for european IT-Law: IT-legal advice to companies in the digital, technological and creative sectors (“tech-creative companies”), especially for tech-companies – with a focus on european IT law like software law inclusive KI and Quantum-Computing, cybersecurity, green IT, semiconductors and battery law.

  • German specialist lawyer for IT law and criminal law, specifically focused on companies with requirements in Europe
  • European IT law and criminal law as well as European communication and ethics
  • Criminal defense lawyers in germany: Our specialist lawyers for criminal law defend in criminal law
    • cybercrime, in criminal tax law, criminal medical law, juvenile criminal law, BtMG, and criminal weapons law.
    • Corporate Criminal Law
    • Employment Criminal Law, Environmental Criminal Law, and European Criminal Law
    • cybercrime and digital evidence
  • IT law & technology law for companies from the specialist lawyer for IT law, especially in the areas of.
    • software law incl. battery law, artificial intelligence & quantum computing
    • European IT law, especially cybersecurity law (NIS and NIS2) and data protection law (GDPR)
    • Industrial property rights and copyright
    • Legal issues relating to space and satellites, especially in “space criminal law”
  • Employment law: advising companies on all aspects of employment law and IT employment law in Germany

German Attorney at Law Ferner: Contact in Criminal Law & IT-Law/Technology Law

  • Specialized activity: We take on criminal defense cases and are active in an advisory capacity for companies in white-collar criminal law & IT law.
  • Not only law but also IT: Lawyer Jens Ferner is not only a specialized lawyer but also an IT professional, namely a software developer and cybersecurity expert at European level. He is also trained in communication, compliance and crisis management.
  • The best way to get in touch is by mail:
  • Why us: On the one hand, highly specialized german lawyers – on the other hand, the personal handling that one expects: no hiding behind the secretary’s office and immediate accessibility of the lawyer.
Lawyer Ferner in Alsdorf, Aachen; specialist lawyer for criminal law and specialist lawyer for IT law in the Aachen city region, available for affected persons in Alsdorf, Aachen, Würselen, Baesweiler, Herzogenrath, Eschweiler, Übach-Palenberg, Geilenkirchen and Aldenhoven

IT law advice from a specialist lawyer for IT law in AachenIT law advice from a specialist lawyer for IT law in Aachen

German IT-Specialist Lawyer: Your expert in software law and it-contract law

Specialist lawyer for IT law in germany and europe: the german title of “specialist lawyer for IT law” is only awarded to lawyers by the bar association if they have proven their practical experience through a fixed number of cases. One must have worked on these and in parts also have litigated – as well as (again) have deepened existing theoretical knowledge in a specialist lawyer course with final examinations.

As a German-trained and qualified specialist lawyer for information technology law, Jens Ferner is the professional for international companies with needs in European IT law and technology law. Specifically in matters relating to the use and distribution of artificial intelligence, cloud solutions and battery solutions in Europe.

Re-Thinking criminal Defense

When it comes to your freedom and reputation: 100% Criminal Defense Lawyer.

With us there is no room for “criminal law on the side”: the criminal defense lawyers of our, in Germany, in the Aachen area located, lawyer boutique focus on criminal defense for private individuals. We are not “lawyers for everything”, but have recognized early on that in criminal law you need absolute professionals who do not get bogged down – so that clear announcements also have a real value. Because criminal charges are not only about the punishment, the sanction alone, but also always about your reputation. In social and business life, your reputation, your good name, is of particular importance – we find face-saving solutions so that your life can go on.

Criminal defense has been rethought by us: the model we have developed, “Consult different“, is based on an extremely factual approach as well as the American model, which is characterized by a much more personal approach by lawyers. Because if you feel lonely and lost in a criminal case, you need a direct contact with time, honesty and empathy.

Your lawyer specializing in IT law and criminal defense in Germany

Strafverteidigung: Rechtsanwalt Ferner, Fachanwalt für Strafrecht und Strafverteidiger im Raum Aachen

Criminal defense in Germany & corporate crisis

With us, there is no room for “criminal law on the side”: the criminal defense lawyers at our lawyer boutique – all specialists in criminal law – focus on serious and objective criminal defense for private individuals. We are not “lawyers for everything”, but recognized early on that you need absolute professionals in criminal law who do not get bogged down – so that clear statements also have real value.

After all, criminal charges are not just about the punishment, the sanction alone, but also always about your reputation. In social and business life, your reputation, your good name, is of particular importance – we find face-saving solutions so that your life can go on. We offer defense in all areas of criminal law: from juvenile criminal law and criminal tax law to BtMG and sexual criminal law. A special feature is our focus on issues relating to digital evidence.

Commercial criminal law & compliance

Our german specialist lawyers for criminal law advise and defend in the areas of white-collar crime, directors’ and officers’ liability, compliance and cybercrime: from environmental criminal law and labor criminal law to data protection criminal law, corruption and money laundering.

As a specialist lawyer for both criminal law and IT law, Jens Ferner has unique expertise that enables him to navigate the interfaces between traditional criminal law issues and the challenges of the digital world.

Wirtschaftsstrafrecht, Cybercrime & digitale Beweismittel - Rechtsanwalt Ferner für Cybercrime

Rechtsanwalt für Technologierecht: Software, KI, Quantenrecht, Batterien & Weltraumrecht - auch Urheberrecht, Markenrecht und Geschäftsgeheimnisschutz

European and german IT law & technology law

Our law firm has been known in the Aachen region for over two decades as a renowned address for IT law (at that time still known as “EDP law” or “computer law”). Our IT specialist lawyer Jens Ferner, with many years of expertise in IT law, has specialized in criminal defence and in particular in the special requirements of tech creative companies. We offer advice on software law including artificial intelligence, quantum computing law, space and battery law. In addition, we provide assistance on issues relating to automation/robotics and the development of machines, including product safety.

Cybercrime & Cybersecurity

As a digital and criminal lawyer, Jens Ferner specializes in cybercrime and cybersecurity: his lectures on IT forensics and digital evidence are just as much in demand as his advice in these areas, which require solid advice in the intersection of many areas. He also provides solid criminal defense in cybercrime cases involving hackers, script kiddies and security researchers.

IT specialist lawyer Jens Ferner offers exactly the advice that companies need in IT security law in these times of upheaval. Especially in times of economic corporate crises, which can be triggered by data leaks, security incidents or misunderstandings in cloud management, we provide our clients with advice and support. Attorney JF, a former IT textbook author in the field of cyber security, also attends ongoing IT security training courses at distance learning universities.

Cybercrime und Cybersecurity: Rechtsanwalt Jens Ferner berät rund um DSGVO und IT-Sicherheitsrecht. Dazu Strafverteidigung im Cybercrime

Rechtsanwalt fpr Umwelt in Werbung, Strafrecht und Technologie

Wir setzen uns für eine nachhaltige und umweltschonende Informationstechnologie ein. Deshalb beraten wir Unternehmen dabei, ihre IT-Prozesse umweltverträglich zu gestalten und rechtssicher zu handeln, rechtssicher mit umweltbezogenen Aussagen zu werben und keine Straftaten im Bereich des Umweltrechts zu begehen.

Environment in advertising, criminal law and technology

We are committed to sustainable and environmentally friendly information technology. This is why we advise companies on how to design their IT processes in an environmentally friendly manner and how to act in a legally compliant manner, how to advertise with environmentally relevant statements in a legally compliant manner and how to avoid committing criminal offenses in the area of environmental law.

In the context of advertising with environment-related statements, we support you in formulating transparent and legally impeccable advertising statements in order to avoid misleading statements and legal consequences in relation to the environment and sustainability. In addition, we are active as a criminal defense law firm in environmental criminal law and represent and advise clients in environmental criminal law accusations. Rely on our expertise to act safely and responsibly in all environmentally relevant legal matters. [ Green IT, competition law and environmental criminal law ]

Artificial intelligence & quantum computing

Two pioneering technologies that are shaping society have reached us: artificial intelligence is advancing and it is foreseeable that quantum computing will reach industrial maturity in the coming years. This is accompanied by significant legal issues, from IT security and the protection of creativity to questions of ethics and how we (want to) work the day after tomorrow.

Our law firm developed these areas legally at an early stage, and at the same time IT specialist lawyer Jens Ferner has trained as a software developer specifically in the area of QC programming (based on Qiskit).

Rechtsanwalt Ferner, ihr Anwalt für Künstliche Intelligenz & Quantum-Computing - IT-Fachanwalt berät zu Künstliche Intelligenz & Quantum-Computing

Anwalt für Arbeitsrecht in Alsdorf - Rechtsanwalt Ferner zum Arbeitsrecht

Labor law and criminal labor law

Our lawyers are active in employment law, specialist criminal lawyer Dieter Ferner in criminal employment law, specialist criminal lawyer & IT law Jens Ferner focuses on IT employment law in addition to criminal employment law: He understands the special challenges and dynamics of the IT sector and advises companies comprehensively on employment law issues in this segment.

Whether individual employment contracts, regulations on working from home and teleworking, data protection in the employment relationship or complicated termination scenarios – we support you with our expertise and represent your interests both out of court and in court.

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